The Journey Begins


Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

Al…..right…. Hi from the little space here!

I’ve finally done with my procrastinating and decided to put up my site into place. And I wanna say I’m reeeeally new here so tryna figure how do I edit my blogpage etc. Trying to figure as many question marks I have in this space as I can. I’ve not been employed since late Nov till now and I’m actually liking how things are now because I got to meet lots of new people doing semi-sales oriented job and the fact that I got the flexibility to do whatever I want, adjusting my time according to the way I want things to be.

Only downside is my job is more of like a night shift based job. Other than that I actually plan my own schedules and time the way I want. However… that being said, I’d soon be employed again, hoping that the transition back to day would be cool on me. Mind over heart, come onnnnn I can do this!

During this phase of my life, it’s really an eye-opening roller coaster ride for me as I met all sorts of people from all walks of life. Some whom made me grow from the bad incidents I met, some who made me treasure what I’ve got and taught me how some bad instance was actually lessons to teach me how to treasure the fact that good people are hard to come by. Thing in life is that we never realize how some people are really gems in our life because they’re kind in nature, understanding and always there for you upon one call or message and that they’re really hard to come by these days. The bad times really makes us realize that we should really treasure all the very, very little things that matters a lot. For that, we keep learning, and I always strive to be a better person, keeping calm in my heart when shit happens. Really felt that being calm about things could bring someone far in life.

Well.. it was a really a hit right from the start of 2018 till now, maybe I guess heaven want me to start the year right and strong, hence all these “lessons”. Despite all the adversaries, I’ve been reminding myself to stay strong and be happy with life. Most importantly, learning that treasuring every little thing makes a person happy with life. I’d like to thank all those people who helped me when I needed help or when I needed some positive encouragement in life. Many people thought I was strong, I’m happy and life seem to be perfect for me. Well, that’s certainly not the case, because who would want to show the ugly things online? I mean, no point archiving or leaving bad footprints on the net where you’d look back at it next time reminding yourself of all those bad chains of events that happened. We gotta erase the bad memories and move on isn’t it?

Ok I’m immersed with greatest apologies that my first post was sucha wordy post, till then, I hope I can transform my blogpage into a better one and make it more appealing to every valued readers like you!

Wishing everyone a better year ahead, and I’d like to take the chance to tell everyone to stay happy always in whatever you do because tough times don’t last but tough man do! Let’s all work hard together and hope this inspires everyone of you, if it does help!





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