Happy and contented.

Backspaced the whole big fat paragraph of words I just typed. Anyone went thru the same ordeal where you actually penned down everything but unfortunately you feel it’s inappropriate to share too much of yourself you just backspaced everything? 😛

Short one. People hates words.

Just wanna be thankful for all that I have today and also a even bigger thank you to having sucha cool and awesome boss. Nothing feels even greater than receiving a compliment that I did well and I’m honestly delighted to know that people actually appreciates your contribution even though it may not be a big one. Actually, this made me think about how people should learn how to compliment people around you because you never know how a simple compliment could make someone’s day if it happens to be a gloomy day for that someone out there!

Yup, I hope you’d start complimenting people around you if you happen to chance upon this post and happen to read it. I’d come back with more! Cheers ;)!



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