Hello you. Hello world. Hello every little battler who has battled their toughest time in life. I wish everyone is coping well with their life even when you’re facing the toughest time in your life today.
You know sometimes I really find how amazing a human can be to go thru all the hurdles and obstacles we’re born into and come off stronger as a person, like, in all honesty, I believe no one’s life is smooth sailing throughout their entire life right? Right, to everyone out there, please always remember that you never will be alone in this bottomless pit. There’s always someone who met worse things than you that you never know and I hope at this thought, your mind automatically register yourself as “you’re at somewhere else better than the others”.
I’ve been reading up quite a couple of articles, done many research about how to be positive when something negative happens and how do you constantly perk yourself up during the darkest storms and found all similarities in clarifying that the best way to stay happy or remind yourself to be happy is to always be reminded that there will always be that someone out there who’s trying to make you happy or people who used to do things that touched your heart. If it doesn’t happen currently, then think of the flashbacks of all good things that happened in your life, think of how it could be reciprocated to someone else out there who needs this source of energy to move on with their existing hurdle they meet in life. Think of how you can help someone out there and they’d be extremely thankful for what you did for them that makes you equally happy too. Talk to someone whom you really trust you could pour out everything in that pathetic overwhelming emotion bottle out to. It helps. At least I experimented it with that eagerness to recover from any bad event that happened to me.
I’ve no idea who’s reading this space and who’s following this little space of mine, but if you do, and if you happen to be that little kind soul who constantly try to be that someone who could make my life better or happier, embracing my life with that little tinge of sunlight beaming at all the dark clouds forcing their way into my life… I am honestly genuinely thankful to that precious few that did so because I wouldn’t have a reason to feel better or feel comforted during times when I needed it the most. Often, people think I met plenty of people in my life, but it also occur to me that all these people come and go with the wind. Not everyone that comes into your life stays in your life. Sometimes we need to give that extra mile for people who’s willing to take a leap for you and your heart should always send constant reminder to your mind that you should always treat that someone deserving your attention more time since the most precious thing in my life now is time. It really is so precious that when given I can never restore it. And I really hope that all times spent with everyone around my life makes them feel comforted that I really am around when time permits.
Now, time for me to think of what I wanna do in my life with. Need to settle my thoughts and figure things out, need to get my life sorted and down to achieve goals before I turn 30. See, that’s the problem of growing up. You hate to grow up when you’re growing up, and hope your age accelerates when you’re at your 14-15s where you want all the freedom you could to do whatever you want. But when you’re at your mid 20s, you wished someone like a teacher teaches you what’s the right path to take and how you gonna take the path but no one’s telling you and you need to figure things out yourself cuz only you are capable of doing what you want to see your life set out to be in the future.
Peace out! Hope the next time I’d be back to share about something more exciting. Have a great weekend guys!