This year has been a topsy turvy one. Like whooosh! What a crazy and intense roller coaster I’ve been on. SOOOOO much have come and go. I’m so amazed how many people I can meet in a year and even more amazed at how some people are still there for me as of today. I’m thankful. I’m blessed :’)
Sometimes it’s really okay to lose some friends, if staying in the friendship brings you expectations that fails you, perhaps letting go sets yourself free from all those expectations that you inevitably placed on them cuz you value them as part of your life. I’m not sure if it’s really right to think that letting go of people is a way to let go all the expectations you have on them and they failing you time and time again. It’s okay if things don’t go the way you want it, cuz in life we need to go thru all these to value things that are always there regardless.
I find that there’s so much I wanna express but whenever I’m in front of the screen, I just can’t seem to pen down the exact feelings I have towards those ten thousand million thoughts I have on mind. Problem?
Anyways! Sometimes I think I’m a little ambitious, I keep on wanting to do so many things in my life but I find that there’s too much things I wanna do that I make myself so tired sometimes I think I overtire myself by accident(?) Was it or was it me feeling stress that I’m turning 30 soon and I just wanna achieve something of my own that belongs to my own hardwork, all the effort I put in and reap what I sow? Just so I can be proud of myself, and gave my name a good introduction?
Pssssst. I’m too greedy.
- Apply for my marketing degree
- Help my friend on his business (not really wanting to share much on this as everything hasn’t been confirmed and I’m not very confident)
- Set up an accessories IG & FB business(?)
- Set up my youtube channel to document videos that I enjoy doing? (if i master the art of editing videos successfully)
Ahhhh… and just wanna keep on improving myself to be a better soul than who I am yesterday.
I really think I give myself so much “wishlist” and “to-do(s)” sometimes I need to slow down but then again, will time really wait for me? *Procrastination thoughts kicking in*
I wish I get to check all this list slowly and steady one fine day. But they say it’s always good to know what you wanna do cuz at least you know what you want and slowly move your way there. I’m gonna get there. Fighting. I will be there!
Wait for me! Be right back. Geez. *snugs*