
Do you ever feel that whatever you share online is gonna be a kind of harassment people gonna harass you on and you just completely give up on sharing your thoughts and whatever happened in your life, feeling that keeping things private is a way to lead your life peacefully, without any questions asked? I mean, do I need to explain myself over something I’m happy about that happened today right?

Then… People start to pry what’s happening in your life. People start to think you’re a private person. But have they ever wonder, do all the questionings that come after sharing things about their life mean people would pry even further, making them feel that they just shouldn’t share anything online, and believe in keeping whatever happened known to oneself would be a way to make oneself feel better? Feeling distraught and restricted.. I got to keep everything very private and personal all best made known to myself and only me…

Everything online can destroy every bits and pieces of joy you have when your own intention is just simply wanting to record all the beautiful or even just little happy moments you have.. who really wanna share all the unhappiness over online? More than usual, people only show all the good things online. Because that’s also something worth leaving a record for… Why would you wanna write about something bad and keep it there, and 5 years down the road, you read your archives and start recollecting all the bad incidents that happened in your life. Is there a purpose in it? We would only want to forget everything bad that has happened and don’t even wanna recall anything about it.

I just hope one day, people can come to realize, I become who I am today, I’m not sharing everything online because I’d rather keep mum about all my happiness and unhappiness so I could feel much at ease no one knows anything about me, no one ain’t gonna ask me anything I am not happy/wish to answer…..