2019 is coming to an end so abruptly.
Feels like time hasn’t shown any mercy on me, didn’t want 2020 to come so quick and my age to accelerate yet another year (i.e. +1).
Better or not, I guess being thru so much this year taught me better that to live is to breathe thru the air of positivity, no one deserves anything lesser. Sometimes you can do a lot with silence, you get all your thinkings sorted in silence, while others might choose likewise. I used to think that explaining myself was necessary to resolve issues, but I was so wrong not to realize that it depends on what kind of people you’re dealing with, and how people react to your explanations, you decide if your explanations were really necessary.
I guess I’m slowly learning to open myself up to what’s out there for me, I’ve missed out a lot of things while being so busy with work the entire time. 2020 is gonna be a new year, new start for me and I’m so not gonna waste my time anymore since I realize I didn’t achieve as much as I wished I have, but at least I guess I’m contented my hard work did not go down the drain entirely, since most of the time was spent working and hustling around. Time wasn’t that much spent on leisure…
I miss all my friendsssssss, can’t wait to see and hang out with them on January, aft that one month grace of “rest”, I guess I will be back disciplined doing my stuffs and get my heart set on moving towards my goals SINCE time waits for no one!
It’s important who you hang out with and who change you for the better be it spiritually or mentally, and with that, I’m very ready to make wiser choices in life this upcoming 2020, I’m so determined to start my life afresh, gonna grind so hard I make every dreams on my mind POSSIBLE and I’m sure it’s gonna HAPPEN!
So much love is left to give, and I’m not keeping it anymore, Love is free! #Giveittoday
I will be better, it’s been the most painful thing to go thru earlier, but I have faith I’m gonna make myself well and strong again. #chinsup #IbelieveIcanfightthis
Stay tuned for my next update, promise it’d be a lively one!
To a better year ahead, xx