Hi everybody. Logged in and witnessed 4 drafts on my wordpress homepage. In case you wonder why, it was all because whenever I wanna hit ‘Publish’, I’m frightened by how the public might judge me as. (Oh why! why is this world always judging and why do I always have to mind how people view me as… Pfft!) Always reminding myself that I live for myself and I should stand by this belief… However, the fears of making my own feelings known to the public got me all the withdrawal syndromes…

Anyone has been looking forward to read some updates about me? As much as I want to share, I just don’t wish to share too much of my personal things online. Online publishing can get unnecessary backlash on you without you thinking it will. I used to experience a bad one when I was in my younger days, and as I age, I’ve learnt that the best/worst things might not need to leave any trace.. Especially on online spaces.

Anyway, some little highlights of my life:

  1. My office has shifted from the old place @ Tanjong Pagar (Awwww, that’s my most favorite hanging out place be it during or after work)
  2. I’m happy with what I’ve got now
  3. Doing livestreaming @ Elelive (Do follow me @shortie 矮冬瓜 if you haven’t!)
  4. Joined Starzstruck as a KOL (tho a little inactive on creating video contents but I try to keep my social spaces updated as much as I can)
  5. Grown to realize the importance of keeping people who love you unconditionally very dear to myself, always appreciating and be very thankful for that few…
  6. Always hustling and not wasting any time I’ve got! I’m happy w it!

Lately, have did so much thinking about my life and changed my perspectives of things so much. Learnt to let go of so much things, found out that sometimes if you let go of things that makes you unhappy, you can change your life to be happy all over again. Many times we get upset because we hold onto something that don’t serve us happiness anymore so tightly only to realize what we hold onto was just a past that isn’t the same anymore.

For all those negativity, shoo away from my life please! Everyday I learn to be a better person, everyday I do my own reflections and think of how can I be a better person. For all those shortcomings, I thank all the odds that made me stronger today. I’m also a human, there are many or even PLENTY of downtime… but I know I needa channel my energy on the right priorities so I get myself moving forward to my goals even more productively… Everyone has their own bits of ups and downs. Don’t just assume that everyone or anyone out there is always happy, cuz no one wants to share every grievances online, everyone just want to show the best things in their life… no?

It’s March 31st today, April is approaching…. time flies fast enough! One quarter of the year just flew past like this! Have everyone done anything fruitful this year? I think I’ve worked hard enough the post covid period, even if I look back the post Covid months that has passed so far… I’m happy I did what I could do mend the holes during Covid. What about you guys? Are you guys happy today? Have you guys done anything fruitful during this post covid period?

I can say… I’m pretty much happy and contented with life now… and I hope you, as my reader will do as what I am to! Let’s all get better ourselves and be happy everyday 🙂