Hello humans who survived this Covid.

Hello! I’ve got some time today and just wanted to pen down some thoughts about this Covid. I believe this Covid has been taking a toll on everyone’s life, be it in the business aspect, be it on human to human, socially and anything evolving around us. Covid changed our lives, changed us on a personal level too. And if you ask me, there is no surprise that I got affected by this Covid be it the loss of my job or be it the things I learnt from humanity. It is also not necessarily a sad thing either, you just got to see more things and grow from it. I’d personally feel I am actually quite thankful that Covid happen. Because then you get to see more things, know more about people whom you thought you know well enough, but later realized it may not be as deep as you know them until Covid happens. Just like how the Train to Busan, how the Squid game portrayed human’s nature as, whenever there’s a “Live or Die” situation placed.

This Covid have later transformed into a “norms” where everyone slowly accepted that it is “common” to get infected by Covid, and slowly people opened their ideas of being infected and accepted that it is okay to get infected because it is but just a common flu. However, I guess during the initial stage when the pandemic hit, everyone were all too afraid of this flu and we can say this virus has put human’s nature to a real good test.

I’m honestly happy and thankful that Covid happened, I got to realize who really cares, who are the ones who will stand by me and be there regardless of what may happen. I’m also thankful I got to realize who are my true friends and those I need to keep close to in my life and will never forget everything they did for me just to help me out during this pandemic. You could relate Covid as a chance for you to think of things in a different light, make you think about how you wanna treasure things you did not and have took for granted for pre-covid. And yeah! I certainly did, I am thankful that Covid was a wake up call for me, that I should not be too busy and take things for granted, especially things that have always been there for me. I should learn to cherish it even more, and shall not give any chance for it to be gone and be too late to realize.

I wonder how are everyone out there doing amidst of this pandemic which I hope it shall be improving in time to come. I know it has been a topsy turvy roller coaster ride for everyone, but I just want to share my personal experience to remind all of you to always remember who are the ones who are always there for you come what may.

I do not have an excellent character personally, but I know I am definitely gonna change and be a better person, and hopefully everyone who’s reading this, cherish whatever you have for you may not know what will happen next 🙂

I am now in a transition, facing mid-life crisis. I hope I will quickly get back into the right track soon and recover from this pandemic.

I am not a very expressive person where I can openly express my thankfulness to all those that have stood by me, lent me a helping hand during this covid, but if you happen to be one of them who is reading it, I just wanna say I’m really thankful for everything you guys have done and I cherish everything I have :)!

Hang on guys! COVID is ending soon!!!!! STAY STRONG!!!! We can fight this!!!