Let us all be kind to everyone and understand their plight without discrimination to all profession.
It’s been awhile since I last wrote on this little space of mine. Life hasn’t been easy, of course not that it’s special for my case. However, undeniably it affected me a little when I receive some undesirable comments from my closest as well as the how the public view me.
I’ve been watching or reading up on how people are living up to how this society expects out of you and I feel like sometimes this society just can’t be any kinder when they start judging people from their profession without knowing why they are doing this. I came across this youtube interview video where some social media “enthusiast” were interviewed why are they on “Onlyfans” and viewed them as greedy hunters for money. I just wanna express my view cuz that’s how I feel even when I didn’t go that far to be on “Onlyfans” (of course with due respect for all these people without any judgement, understanding their plights). I feel like everyone has their rights to do whatever they are capable of as long as they do not steal or do anything illegal or unrighteous.
Shouldn’t we all understand that everyone comes from different family backgrounds and we do not get a choice to choose if we are born into an affluent family, leading a lavishing life without any financial constraints and restrictions? I mean, can we just be kinder a little and avoid giving unpleasant remarks on people who are just struggling to make a living to pay for their bills or being financially independent?
Everyone have different goals and expectations in life. Say for example, today someone isn’t academically inclined to land themselves in a well recognized job title, does it really matter if they did not do anything unethical or illegal and still making the same amount of money? Or can I ask what’s the measurement means for measuring success? Are you going to determine by job title or the amount of money you earn in a month? Everyone is suitable for different things and have different preference in the work nature they are happy doing. I don’t understand why there’s a false stigma in this society where everyone are respected only based on the job titles they carry or even sometimes the way they dress or the cars they drive.
I wouldn’t say I exactly enjoy what I do at times, but I am very clear and thinking very straight on what’s the boundaries. I believe there will always be good and bad in whatever you do. There’s no perfect things in life, so we just gotta know what matters more to us and what we prioritize more. There’s always sacrifices we need to make whenever you make a decision to do something, keeping in mind that someone may not actually enjoy what they do but perhaps in the condition they are in, they place more value in getting the end result they want more at the sacrifice of taking a step out of their comfort zone. And so, since that’s the case, if you’re unaware of what hurdles this person is going through, you just give them unpleasant remarks aren’t you making their life tougher when their life is already tough enough?
Not everyone choose to show their struggles, not everyone choose to show what they go through on the net. BUT at the end of the day, that does not mean all the good times that they share online portrays that they’re living a good life as you thought it is. Perhaps it’s just the little good moments they had/treat themselves to, rewarding themselves after going thru a tough phase in life? Afterall, there’s nothing wrong in treating yourself better for going thru tough times, is it?
I just wanna do a little rant and try to voice out for all these individuals who gets judged for what they’re doing even when they did not do anything unethical or anything illegal but inviting very unpleasant judgemental comments/remarks that was really unnecessary for the people who are going through what you do not even know of, because you may be living too comfortable, have a very supportive family or good family background.
Unfortunately, not everyone are born with a silver spoon and here I am, doing nothing unethical nor illegal anyway. I just wish everyone can be a little kinder with their words because we may have gone through things you didn’t even know of.
Anyway, I’m done ranting. Just trying to let off some emotions out of my chest. I feel better now.
Let’s all be kind to one another in this society and have a healthier space to breathe.