What I really look out for in a guy.

I’ve came across so many similar questions along this line where people I first met or any acquaintance would stop by this topic and ask what is it in a guy that attracts me, or makes an ideal boyfriend? More often than not, people will jump into conclusion thinking that I go for tall? Handsome? Rich guys?

Truth be told, to me all these are not mandatory, it can be a bonus for a lady to have but definitely, not in any time this has been in my checklist to be checked off when I look for a lifetime partner. I personally feel that all these are just like owning a branded handbag that is “socially accepted” in the eyes of others but who knows? All these branded things are ultimately mostly made in China. Not saying that products made in China are bad nor am I trying to place a biased comment about China products, I do love china stuffs and I do own perhaps 90% of my items all made in china *laughs* But what’s all these “overrated” prices on all these “luxury” items? Many times we often neglect the fact that there can be many things that are worth the “valuation” so much more. Like a bag can cost you $20 but last you longer than any branded bags would?

I often look for long term goals and look at things far-sighted. Not trying to mean that I’m acting like I’m an experienced bitch here, but honestly, what’s the baseline to a long lasting relationship? It’s actually lots of compromising, understanding and a forgiving heart that’s ever ready to forgive every mistake you made. Everyone does mistakes, who doesn’t?

What could the element compromising do? Compromising means not liking something that your partner is doing but understand that he/she has her reason for doing this and try to look for positive ways of looking at it and give respect to him/her, accepting things even if it’s at the expense that he/she may not even like.

What could the element Understanding do? Although “Understanding” looks pretty much of a singular word here but it can mean many tons of things that needs this word to be involved. Take for instance, when a quarrel occurs(which I believe all couples do have slight friction sometimes), understanding comes to play a part understanding why the person is behaving this way/instead of putting blame on someone/faulting the opposite party for doing so, if there’s understanding, one could think of possible reasons of why this person is doing this, try to reason out that things could be worked out or even work out a better approach to treat a particular matter. So being understanding is a very important factor I look out for and also something I NEED and not just want it. Everyone needs space, everyone needs the freedom to do things they want as long as it does not hurt.

A forgiving heart goes a long way. If someone doesn’t forgive easily, something negative that someone did will stay permanent in your partner’s mind, and if that happens, bygones cannot be let bygones, that’s when “digging old accounts” comes about. When that happens, you’d never walk out from the past chain of events that happened even after ages and will always live in the past instead of the present or even the future. So I personally think that a forgiving heart is a very important foundation to build in a relationship. Because humans are all not perfect, everyone makes mistakes.

Apart from that, one more factor that I’d love to see in a guy is a guy with a filial heart. Reason is simple. If a guy is filial to his mum, it goes to show that he knows who to prioritize and knows how to take care of his mum like how he definitely would when he has a family together with you.

Having say that, who doesn’t like to be doted on? Let’s take things with one pinch of salt, treat others the way you want to be treated. There should not be gender inequality and there shouldn’t be a wrong mindset that ladies should take a ride on a guy’s success. A true couple goes through everything together, works hard together, contributes to the household together simply because a couple comes off as a pair, there shouldn’t be any time where all  financial weight should be placed on one’s shoulder. A couple backs each other up, and push each other to improve together as a pair 🙂

With this, I hope it gives everyone a good thought on what they should look out for in a partner and also weigh what’s important and what’s not. Hopefully, everyone finds their Mr Right and Mrs Right and loves each other wholeheartedly and I’d like to wish every couple who happen to chance upon this post to treasure each other and stay by each other side be it how tough it can be. True love doesn’t come by easily. Have a good weekend ahead, TGIF! 😉

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